Lots of things are underway to raise awareness of responsible retailing as we head into the Fall.
- We Card stakeholders and partners are working together to boost awareness around the importance responsible retailing – asking for ID – and following a set of best practices, to ensure that those underage don’t get access to age restricted products.
- Source source access continues to be a challenge -- “social sourcing” of age-restricted products happens when those underage give someone else money to buy them; borrow from someone else; get them from a person who could legally buy them, or get them some other way. The CDC’s latest research points to social sourcing as a steadily increasing Learn from We Card’s compiled information on federal, state and academia’s studies on the growing problem of social source. Check-out We Card's infographic on Where do Kids get e-Cigarettes – which is based upon the latest CDC data.
- If you haven't checked out the latest point-of-sale age checking systems, visit We Card's Age Verification Tools page to learn more about the tools best suited for your store.
- Now that the national age to buy tobacco and vaping products is 21 (and retailers must card anyone under 30), Awareness Month provides an opportunity to train employees on the new laws and regulations and remind them of existing laws and regulations (free registration required).
- If you haven't taken the the We Card Pledge, consider doing so to reinforce your responsible retailing commitment and to double down on identifying situations where adults might be purchasing on behalf of those underage.
- Finally, 2022 We Card training kits and calendars will be available soon. Check back in early September to order your materials and update signage and training guides.
As always, We Card is here to help. Feel free to contact us at comments@wecard.org for your training and materials needs.