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Summertime Training Tips for Preventing Underage Sales


Summertime Training Tips for Preventing Underage Sales

Season-specific tips for training employees to handle unique challenges.

Summer brings a unique set of challenges for convenience stores, particularly when it comes to preventing underage sales of tobacco and vaping products. The increase in customer traffic, the influx of tourists and the prevalence of group dynamics among young people require a tailored approach to employee training. Here are some essential tips to help your staff stay vigilant and effective during the busy summer months.

Stay Vigilant During Peak Times

Summer often means higher volumes of tourists, students, and travelers. This surge can lead to more frequent attempts at underage purchase attempts of age-restricted products. Ensure your employees are aware of peak traffic times and encourage heightened “carding” vigilance.

Increased Group Activity

Teens often travel in groups during the summer, making the opportunity for social sourcing (where minors ask adults to purchase for them) more common. Train your staff to be on guard for social sourcing – and deny obvious adult purchases on behalf of those under 21 years of age. Use this free 5-minute training exercise on social sourcing to get employees trained.  You can also order a free in-store kit on social sourcing and preventing adult purchases for minors. 


Out-of-State IDs

With more tourists, employees may see a variety of out-of-state IDs. What’s important to remember is that no matter what state ID is presented, the fundamentals remain the same for carding and ID scanning.

Use Technology

Leveraging technology can streamline the ID verification process and reduce the risk of human error.

ID Scanners

ID Scanners (handheld or with a stand) work with your POS to scan ID barcodes. They help reduce employee errors. The evolving technology will vary based on what POS system you use. And if you don’t have ID scanning technology, consider investing in reliable ID scanners to speed up the verification process. Check out this brief "Consider ID Scanning" video to learn more about scanning technology.

Update Training

Regularly update your training materials to reflect new laws, technology, and the tools used for ID checks. We offer a refresher training course that includes interactive exercises, including practice with age calculation tools. 

Prepare for Local Events

Summer often brings local festivals, concerts, and other events that can significantly increase store traffic.

Event-Specific Briefings

Inform your staff about local events and prepare them for increased traffic and the possibility of greater underage purchase attempts of age-restricted products. Be aware of local summer events (festivals, concerts, etc.) that might bring in large crowds. Help prepare your employees for these events with specific briefings on expected traffic patterns and potential issues.

Diffusing Confrontations

During the summer – and year-round – handling difficult customer situations and knowing how to diffuse them is an important customer service skill for frontline employees. Train employees on what to do when confronted by customers who may be irritated by the ID request, especially during busy summer events. Role-playing these scenarios help employees remain calm and courteous. Handling these difficult situations is included in We Card’s training.


Summer brings challenges for convenience store owners, but with the right training and preparation, employees can effectively prevent underage sales of tobacco and vaping products and avoid stiff fines and penalties for selling to someone underage.


Implement these summer-specific tips to keep your store running smoothly and your employees well-prepared. And feel free to let us know what works for your store:


Visit for more information about ID scanning and training courses for employees.

ID Check-Up