FDA Issues Guidance for Retailers
We Card to Update Training based upon new FDA info
There is a lot of big compliance news to share with you.
Some of it will impact your decisions on training employees.
Good job! You've trained your employees to prevent tobacco sales to underage customers.
But you're not done yet.
In fact, you're at risk if your employees don't have the right tools or job aids, as professional trainers would say.
Yes, they need tools.
We call them "In-Store Support Materials," and they range from a sign in the window to a 365-day tear-off calendar or age-of purchase calendar.
For a limited time - We Card is offering two FREE training courses for two employees when you purchase your We Card materials - we're limiting this opportunity to the first 2,000 customers between now and December 31st.
Why? Quite simply, we want you to test drive We Card's training with two of your store employees.
Everyone seems to use their mobile phone . . . everywhere and all day long.
And more and more, employees are using their phones to be productive at work.