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eLearning – The Wave of the Present


When We Card started 26 years ago, our most effective method of teaching retail employees how to prevent underage sales of age-restricted products was in the classroom. 

Instructor-led discussions and role playing with a class member allowed for practice while others in the class could see how to handle tough customer situations.  The classes were fantastic, expensive and effective in getting frontline employees prepared.

Things are different today -- even better: every training session is online and offers many opportunities to practice.  Here’s what some of those who’ve taken the We Card online course have to say:

         “I really liked the interactive games and exercises”

         “You do real case scenarios, practicing what to say to customers”

         “I learned the Big 4 acceptable IDs”

         “How to handle possible confrontation”

         “matching the name with the photo”

         “I could learn my state and federal laws”

         “I like how the program gives the chance to go back to completed chapters and review more thoroughly”

These are just a few of the hundreds of comments trainees have offered after they completed We Card’s online training and received a certificate.  We Card’s steady challenge is to make sure our trainees learn while engaged and interested in the training program because we all know what an online training “data dump” looks like -- a succession of screens packed with information and some audio and perhaps video as well. The biggest challenge is not getting distracted by something else.

Many folks may not realize that a frontline employee’s job can be challenging, and training helps tremendously. There are many demands on an employee’s attention including ensuring that customers who come into the store leave with a positive experience.  This calls on people skills that may not always come naturally but can be learned through effective training.   

We Card’s training is great for any retail employee who sells age restricted products. The training includes exercises and simulations, FDA requirements and state specific law summaries along with an end of training quiz.  It’s a must training course for any retailers selling age restricted products.

To check out We Card’s training, click here or learn more about The We Card Program, Inc.

ID Check-Up