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Are Your Employees Carding Enough?


Are Your Employees Carding Enough?

How You Can Tell if Employees are Truly Carding for Age-Restricted Products 

You’ve trained your employees. 

Equipped them with signage and age calculation tools.

But now, how can you be sure they’re “carding” under 27 year old customers?

With We Card ID Check Up now you can see just how well your employees are incorporating their training into real world situations. As part of a complete We Card training program, ID Check Up’s can help make the difference between properly preventing illegal underage sales or failing to do so (and suffering the consequences of federal or state fines.)

 The ID Check Up program is a mystery shopping solution designed to measure your employees’ performance. It consists of four steps:

1.     One of our check-up agents, young adults aged 21-25, enters your store unannounced and attempts to purchase tobacco products.

2.     If the cashier asks the check-up agent for ID, the agent presents the cashier with a green card. If the        cashier neglects to ask for ID, the agent presents a red card.This way the clerk knows immediately how they performed. If your store(s) use an age-verification device, our agents monitor the use of the device as well.    

3.     The agent then asks for the employee’s name and leaves the store to file a report with We Card.

4.     Your report is emailed to you and archived in the secure area of the We Card website where you (and only you) can view the results.

Furthermore, the ID Check Up’s have demonstrated terrific effectiveness. After conducting thousands upon thousands of mystery shops across the country, we found that retailers in the program increased their employees’ compliance rates by roughly 30%!  After the first month, employees passed checks at low rates of roughly 65-80% of the time — by the end of the 12 months, those same retailers passed compliance checks upwards of 95%+ of the time. Of course, every store’s results vary, but the message is clear to employees:  store management cares about compliance and proper performance is expected!

 We Card ID Check Up is offered at a low cost—just $24 per check-up. Our recommendation is monthly checks per location. The minimum order is 1 check per month for a trial of 3 months.

 Check out our We Card Resource Center for many more tools to help you understand state and federal laws. Simply sign into our free online portal and find all the tools you need such as a summary of your state law or a summary of federal law and FDA regulations.


Doug Anderson


The We Card Program, Inc.

 © 2017 Copyright - The We Card Program, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

ID Check-Up