(Everything from signage to POS tools)
Equip your store with signage and your people with age-calculation tools and training job-aids. Easy ordering online.
(All training needs in one place)
Three award-winning training courses (Employee, Refresher & Manager) with gaming, role-playing and customer-cashier scenarios. FDA content & state law specific.
(Centralized info for compliance)
Know Federal and State requirements, get state law summaries, state sign info and FDA regulation requirements.
(ID scanning is the preferred tool)
Look at tools powered by We Card or shop for an ID scanner for your POS.
(Sign-up to mystery shop your store)
Our bi-monthly mystery shopping program to check if store employees are "carding" for age-restricted products (tobacco, alcohol & e-cigarettes and vaping products).
January 2025
2025 is We Card’s 30th year of serving retailers. We’ve seen a lot of changes in the past 30 years but the fundamentals of “responsible retailing” of age-restricted products remains constant.
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